Monday, October 15, 2012

The New Awana Year ~ 2012

Awana is back in full swing in our church. We actually started back in August, and these pictures are from our first night.

First night chaos...

Not really. Commander Greg has everything under control.
I really love the Awana program. It is an amazing program that focuses on extensive scripture memorization. All three of my children have grown up in Awana, and it is through this program that they have been able to hide God's word in their hearts. They have memorized so much scripture and are able to recall God's word and apply it to their lives.
Mike, with some of his boys. That's my group of boys in the background. We work in the T&T club.
some of the girls
Our club meets on Wednesday nights, and we have been having more kids come to Awana almost every week. God is good! We have since had to rearrange the groups and have added more adult leaders.
Council Time
T&T clubbers are in 3rd through 6th grade
Sparks Green Meadow Time... Sparkies are in Kindergarten through 2nd grade

Cubbies are 3 and 4 year old preschoolers

And Puggles are the 2 year olds
Our church started participating in the Awana program in 1995 when our now 21 year old son was just 4. I started out working with the Cubbies club (because that's where he was). Since then I've worked in all the clubs, except for the JV/Varsity clubs.
Even though my children are in the youth program, and every year I consider giving up working in Awana to work in youth with them, I haven't been able to make the break. I work with the youth group during the summer (while we don't have Awana), and every fall when we are ready to start the new year, I think I'm going to quit Awana and stay in youth, but...
It's like I just have this tug on my heart to continue working with the little ones, to help them continue to memorize God's word, to see them come to know Jesus and accept Him as their savior, to see them grow in their relationship with God. I know this is where God wants me to be, where He wants to use me to minister in His name. So I've worked in the Awana program for 17 years now, and if this is where He wants to use me for the next 17 years, I'll be ok with that. 

1 comment:

  1. yep... my children too... have grown up in Awana. I hear people from other churches ask how they know so much scripture. But to me it isn't that much. Awana builds on each other every year. I remember Michael being 5th when we came to the church.

    memories.... now my Wyatt is in 5th.

    much love,


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