Monday, May 3, 2010

Our Heart

One more post before I go to bed...

I am so excited to announce that today we officially began the adoption process!

No, we don't know who we'll be adopting, or exactly when. This is something our whole family has been in prayer about for quite some time now. We don't know if we'll be taking into our family a little one from some other country, or someone right here in our own state. We just know that after much prayer on our part, the Lord has finally said, "Go."

Right now, we are in phase one, better known as "the paper-chase." We've filled out paperwork, had our names added to a list of prospective adoptive parents. We will await the confirmation of an orientation, then we will begin a seven week course study, undergo home evaluations, interviews with our children (that part makes me a little nervous, having DFACS workers questioning my children about their home life, because after all, we do spank, and we and many more requirements to satisfy someone's idea of a good parent!

We are excited to see where God leads. We have friends who have adopted internationally, and when the Lord first began speaking to my heart about adoption, I just assumed that's where He would lead us. International adoptions are very expensive and I'm not concerned about that because I know that if that is His will, then He will supply the funds. But so far, no funds have come pouring in (lol). However, that didn't stop us from praying and seeking God's heart on this issue.

It seems to me (and to my dh as well) that He could be leading us to adopt here in the U.S. So, I set up an appointment with the Department of Family and Children's Services right here in our town. And that's where we are now...

In the "hurry up and wait" stage.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see where this journey leads! We have a number of friends in our church who are adoping from Ethiopia. I think there over a dozen kids now who have come to families within our church.


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