Thursday, November 18, 2010

On This Day in 1998

The day began like any other day. I was heavily pregnant with my third child. "Bay Will," as he was affectionately called by my almost-three year old daughter, (she couldn't quite pronounce the word 'baby') was exactly one week late, according to my doctor's timetable.

My doctor had encouraged me to consider labor induction, but I had gone that route with my two previous pregnancies. This time I wanted to wait and let God bring this baby on His timetable.

I had been having contractions off and on for the last few days, but this day was different. As I have already stated, I didn't go into labor on my own with my previous pregnancies, so I didn't have much with which I could compare it. But these contractions felt different. I knew that my baby was getting ready to make his debut!

I spent a good portion of that day walking, as per instructions from my doctor's office. By around 8:00 pm, the contractions were regular and timely, and after a call to the hospital, things were set in motion. A quick call to our parents, followed by dropping our kids off at a friend's house, and we were off to the hospital.

At about 9:00 pm, as we walked into triage at the hospital, we were greeted with these words: "Oh no, not another one." These are not exactly words you want to hear at a time like this. As it turned out, all the labor and delivery rooms were full that night. And two more expectant couples came in behind us!

We were taken to the waiting room in labor and delivery to await a room. I was restless and felt the need to walk. As I walked around in that small, confined waiting room I actually felt my baby drop! The nurse instructed to me to stay put in my wheelchair, telling me that it wouldn't be long for me. I was scared and excited, all at the same time!

After a short wait, I was taken back to be checked, finally. This nurse was surprised to find that I was dilated to an 8 already, and as she was checking me, my water broke. She informed me there would be no time for the epidural I had requested. Now I was no longer excited, just scared.

I was moved into a recently vacated labor and delivery room and literally, after just a few pushes, at 12:07 am on November 18, 1998, William John left the safety and comfort of my womb and made his entrance into this world. My precious baby boy weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces, and measured 21 and 1/2 inches in length. He had ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes, and was perfect in every way.

Later, in the wee hours of the morning, comfortably snuggled in with my new baby, we discovered that a meteor shower had passed through. The labor and delivery nurses were attributing the meteor shower to the onset of all these labors.  :)

At the time, I didn't know what was happening outside the walls, but I do know that inside those hospital walls, I was falling in love all over again. This tiny bundle had already captured my heart when I found out I was expecting him, but seeing him for the first time, holding him in my arms, I was overcome by that fierce love for him, gripped with that protective instinct that is motherhood.

Today we celebrate his 12th year of life. Happy Birthday Will!

his first night home, with Kate and Grandmama

Christmas 1998

the game he wanted for his birthday

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