Friday, April 3, 2009


It was so nice to see sunshine today!! I really enjoyed sitting outside in the sun today watching my son's baseball game. It was a bit breezy, but I suppose the Lord is sending the wind now to dry up all the water that is standing everywhere from all the rain we received this week. My, how amazed I was at all the creeks and rivers that have flooded around here!

Many thanks to Cynthia for her kind words of encouragement to me in response to my recent post about my upcoming graduate!

I've been reading my friend, Teena's blog over at, and she has some neat ideas that she's read about to use in your celebration of Easter. She actually does some of these things with her kids, unlike me, who reads something and thinks, "Wow! What a neat idea!" and then *sigh* never follows through with it!

Well, I am excited about Holy Week, about celebrating the resurrection of our Lord! I had anticipated reading the book, The Final Week of Jesus by Max Lucado to my family this week. It is very good, and I highly recommend it if you have not read it already. But upon glancing over it, I think I read it to them last year (I try not to read the same book every year). Although, this one is so good, in my opinion, it is definitely worth reading again this year!

I do like Ann Voskamp's (at idea about the Easter Garden. Maybe it was Ann's idea (I think it was someone else's idea, and she has the link posted on her blog)...anyway, hop on over to her blog and check it out. My friend Teena has finished making hers and I can't wait to see the pictures. Maybe the kids and I can work on one tomorrow... And an Easter tree ... I keep saying each year that I'm going to make an Easter tree. Ann has a really neat idea for one.

I do love Easter and look forward to celebrating it each year. As my friend Teena said in her recent post, "without Easter, we have no Hope." I'll say Amen to that.

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